- The 10x Factors
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- Part 2: How I Got A 33.33% Salary Increment Every Year
Part 2: How I Got A 33.33% Salary Increment Every Year
And How YOU may be able to do this too
How The 10x Employee Earns 10x More
In my last issue, you've seen how I 10x'ed my starting salary by my 4th year. This is in addition to getting a 33.33% salary increment every year as an employee.
I achieved these 2 feats without asking for them, without moving on to another company for a higher salary, without doing a side hustle, and without doing any investing. I just focused on my one job, which made things very simple.
In this issue, you'll learn how an employee in his company may be able to 10x his earnings quickly, by using the same playbook of using SOFTWARE for his company to gain extreme leverage that will either:
1. Significantly reduce its operating expenses, which will significantly increase its profits; or
2. Significantly increase its revenues, which will also significantly increase its profits; or
3. Both, which will significantly multiply the company's profits overall.
Where This Playbook Works Best
The above playbook can work very well in situations where you're directly answerable to the founders/partners/directors/managers of your company who decide how much to pay you and your colleagues.
Your chance for a 10x increase comes from being offered a profit-sharing arrangement, or a bigger bonus, or partnership or shares in the company you're working for, in addition to a major increase in your salary every year.
1. Most, if not all, of your colleagues are not following this playbook
This is because they just don't know how to do this.
2. Most business owners/entrepreneurs will NOT have a DEEP knowledge or EXTENSIVE experience of the relevant softwares
They just don't have the time nor interest to try every software out there themselves.
3. You don't need to be a programmer and start learning computer programming or mess with computer codes at all.
You just need to know how to USE a piece or pieces of softwares that give you the above end results.
Now there are a TON of software out there that you can use, for all areas of a business. I will not cover all of them as it's impossible to do this. I also cannot be an expert in every single piece of software ever created.
But I will talk about the 3 simple ways that you can use to follow my playbook. These 3 ways will cover many types of businesses.
You can then look for the softwares most applicable for your company that it is not already implementing.
Note also that the software and websites I'll be recommending in this and future issues are all top-notch products and services. Many of them are free to try out or use without any trials.
I have used most of these tools either for my own businesses, or my clients'.
It’s Easy To Get Your Company To Use These Software(s)
Some AI software are free to use, so there should be little to zero resistance from your company in trying them out upon your suggestion. If they have paid plans, their prices are also very reasonable.
So if your company's needs exceed their free plan's features, there should be little or no resistance from your firm to pay, as the company will earn much more in return.
The 3 Simple Ways You Can Do Right Now To Potentially 10x Your Earnings
It’s perhaps fitting that I start off with the most astounding tool to have come along in some time. That tool is called Artificial Intelligence or “AI” for short.
All 3 simple ways use AI in some way.
In the context of a business, AI can reduce a company's expenses significantly by:
1) Reducing the need for humans to do certain types of work.
This cuts down on one of the biggest costs of running a business (Human Resources).
2) Streamlining processes.
This cuts down on unnecessary steps and automates certain tasks for higher efficiency.
3) Optimising workflows.
It does this by determining which sequence of tasks to achieve a business goal is less costly, without affecting revenues.
4) Optimising stock levels.
This reduces product storage costs and minimises waste.
5) Optimising energy use.
This lowers utilities expenses.
6) Optimising ads.
This reduces ad expenses.
At the same time, AI can significantly increase a company's revenues by helping it to:
1) Identify new profit centres in a company.
2) Identify new product lines.
3) Identify new market opportunities.
4) Retain customers.
5) Increase a customer's lifetime value.
6) Analyse the best ads that bring in the most revenue.
So how do you use AI to increase your worth to your company as its employee?
No.1: Become a Jedi Master...sorry, an AI Master
Here's what you need to know:
The vast majority of business owners won't have the knowledge to extract the most value out of AI software.
Knowing how to extract the most value from AI software is equivalent to extracting the most profit from their businesses.
The way we extract value from AI software is by "prompting" the AI software, ie. you give some instructions or commands to the AI software to give you what you need.
To really get the MOST value out of AI software, you need to MASTER the way you prompt AI.
Here's an example:
Basic prompt (most people):
Better prompt (more useful, but fewer people do this):
See the massive difference?
Knowing how to use just some extra words and putting in some context and something useful you want to the AI to provide will give you much better results compared to everyone else who doesn't.
This is a simple example. The “Better Prompt” above isn’t yet at Master level. You can do much better than that and get even better results.
In addition, there are 2 main parts to an AI Prompt:
1) The main prompt
This gets you your answer, some of which you may need clarification.
2) The follow-up prompt(s)
You get clarification on some of the things in the AI’s responses that you’re not clear about, or re-prompt the AI in case it misunderstood you or you want more detail.
As such, you will want to be a master at AI Prompting, or what I call, a Master AI Commander.
"Master AI Commander" is my own term for it. The term the AI world uses is "Prompt Engineer" which doesn't sound as exciting.
Becoming a Master AI Commander is the best and EASIEST way to both increase your earnings significantly, and future-proof yourself.
Because everyone in a company will need to be a Master AI Commander so that they can MAXIMISE the use of AI in helping them with their jobs.
Yes, literally everyone!
But not everyone will be one because they're not interested, or they don't know the best place to go learn this, or they're not good with language or words, or they're too busy with their own scope of work to bother, etc, etc.
And so, if there's a Master AI Commander in their company, they'll be asking him to help them out instead, because it's quicker and more effective this way.
Now while the Master AI Commander can serve everyone in a company, he's probably best used by upper management.
He can be the CEO's go-to person for ideas and problem solving, the CFO's go-to person for alternative interpretation of financial data, the CMO's go-to person for coming up with new market opportunities for their products, the COO's go-to person for better streamlining of operations, the CPO's go-to person for new product ideas, and more.
And now there's even a new C-position in companies -- that of the CAIO or "Chief AI Officer".
AI in its current form, is still an infant.
Your Shortcut To Becoming A Master AI Commander
While some universities are now offering degrees in AI, you really don't need to take a degree and wait to graduate in a few years to start benefiting from mastering AI prompting.
You can start reaping the benefits of becoming a Master AI Commander within weeks or even days, by learning the FORMULAS for prompting AI like a pro.
These formulas shortcut your learning and give you the quickest results. Spend the time and money to learn them up, and they'll give you the best bang for your buck.
As an employee, you'll want to get started with a Certification from an institution teaching you these AI prompting formulas.
This is because you're likely get a job in the AI sector which may pay much more than your current job (because there are not many of you currently), or enhance your current position in your company as you help it to significantly make more profits with AI, so that you will get a better increment in your salary, or receive a higher bonus.
The rest of your skills and wisdom will come from your real-life experiences in using AI over the next few months and years after you know what to do. No degree program from universities will be able to teach you this aspect.
There are many online institutions offering AI courses with Certifications. But I like this one here that specifically covers mastering Prompt Engineering.
It’s created by someone with decades of experience in online marketing and online sales, so you’ll get additional value that the other AI courses can’t offer.
If there's anything you should do NOW, it's learning how to be a Master AI Commander.
You simply CANNOT lose when you have learned it, because you will be able to add value to literally every company out there, immediately after you’ve completed your course — which means you will very likely land a job in the exploding AI industry.
No.2 Set up an AI Chatbot on your company's webpage
AI Chatbot
A chatbot is simply a way for prospects and customers of a business to get the answers to their questions without a human being involved.
It is usually installed on a website, or on Instant Messaging apps like Facebook Messenger or Whatsapp for the prospect or customer to interact with the company’s representatives.
Unlike previous chatbots before AI came along, an AI Chatbot has a deep understanding of how language works.
As such, an AI Chatbot will the provide the appropriate responses in a natural manner just like a human would, and can answer questions that old chatbots couldn't.
A good AI Chatbot does a few things:
1) It provides customer support for customers with issues related to their purchases.
This will result in more satisfied customers who may help spread the word about the product which will increase the business's profits.
2) It answers sales enquiries from prospects interested in the company's products.
A good chatbot can help respond to a prospect's questions and tries to convert him to a customer.
3) It cuts down on a support agent's time and effort.
This saves the company cost in not having to hire many support agents.
4) It is integrated with SMS, Email, Web, and Social Media and Instant Messaging apps.
This saves the support agent's time in not having to go back and forth between platforms to respond to enquires, if human support is required (if the AI chatbot does not have the answers).
5) Support agents can easily add more answers for the AI Chatbot to learn from.
This makes the business owner's chatbot more and more intelligent over time.
There are many AI chatbots out there - so which one should your company use?
I like this one for it has all the features above. It's FREE to start.
There are only 3 ways for a business to make more profits:
1) Sell to more customers.
2) Sell more products to the same customer per transaction.
3) Get more customers to keep coming back to buy more products in the future.
That's it.
Most companies focus on bringing in NEW customers.
Fewer focus on making their existing customers buy MORE OFTEN from them.
And one of the best and simplest ways to get customers to buy more often from them is to simply REMIND their customers that they are around, and to announce the arrival of NEW products, or UPGRADES of older products.
To do this in the simplest way, simply create a newsletter for your customers to be delivered to their email address. You’ll then compile their email addresses to be imported into the newsletter publishing system.
Once done, you can email the latest updates and news related to your products to your list of customers and prospects on a regular basis.
This can be daily, weekly, twice a month or once a month (at least).
Do this properly, and your company can't help but get an increase in revenues within days of each email being sent out.
There are many newsletter publishing platforms out there. Which one should you use?
This is a good option. It's FREE to open an account and for up to 2,000 names on your list. You can send an unlimited number of emails to that list without any fee, which makes this an extremely good deal.
You can also easily build a website and blog with its ready templates, without needing to know any programming.
I use this platform for many of my websites and I found it to be an absolute joy to use.
And that wraps up this week’s issue.
Obviously there are many more software you can use for the extreme leverage it can bring to your company.
Whichever software you determined would fulfil the requirements of significantly decreasing your company’s costs or increasing your company’s revenues, go all in to learn it up on a much deeper level.
Because if your current company does not welcome your new AI skills either as a supplement to your job or as a standalone new job and reward you accordingly, there’s always another company that will.
P.S. Do share the above with your bosses, your siblings, your children, your employees and the people you care about. The more everybody is on the same page, the better the 10x factors will work for everybody to 10x their earnings.
P.P.S. Do contact me directly if you need more guidance on the above.